As chair of the Activating Black Capital Working Group, I have been on a listening tour learning about the landscape of support for high-net-worth Black philanthropists and impact investors. I have spoken to a diversity of voices across races, geographies, and professional proximity to the impact investing/social finance industry. With this Working Group, we are exploring a few guiding questions in an attempt to uncover where Black wealth holders may feel underserved in catalyzing and maximizing their financial capital toward their desired social impact. We would like to share some highlights with you from the learning journey so far in a Black Perspectives Spotlight series.
In our opinion, no entrepreneurial idea is born in a vacuum. In reality, many people contribute their time, intellectual perspectives, emotional energy, and networking support to help us identify market opportunities and strategic gaps, explore and reflect within ourselves where we can uniquely serve, and refine our creative ideas and solutions. We want to honor those who have contributed to the Activating Black Capital Working Group’s exploration. In these periodic and ongoing Spotlights, we will share lessons from some of the colleagues who have helped, and continue to help, push the evolution of our ideas forward. It’s a peek behind the curtain while we are still ‘in the process’ of understanding the existing landscape. And also a nod of appreciation to those who invest in us along the way.
Read the Spotlights